Erasmus Project meetings, which took place online, on the Microsoft Teams platform between the dates March 28-31, 2022, were hosted (moderated) by Turkey and contribution of the advisor teachers and students. Within the theme of the project “Sustainability”, and the sub-theme of Turkey “Sustainability in Agriculture”, was covered by different activities throughout the project week.
Project materials are prepared by the students and teachers working collaboratively, reviewing, meeting and brainstorming on worksheets and activities. Erasmus- Ankara schedule was shared with the partner countries, at the meeting held with the participation of the coordinator teachers before the Ankara meeting.
Students started to study under the guidance of Deniz Yüksel and İlgar Musalı.
During Ankara meeting, our main aim was to inform all partner countries about agriculture and sustainability, also to enlighten them about agricultural studies in Turkey and enable them to know the products grown in Turkey.
On the first project day on March 28, our session started with the opening speech of the School Principal of MEV Koleji, Ms. Pınar Baydaş.
After the opening speech, the video of MEV Koleji Özel Ankara Ortaokulu, prepared by the students, was shared with all participants. Then all partner country students and teachers introduced themselves.
After all the countries introduced themselves, the students who were directed to their international groups, started their studies under the guidance of Turkish students. The first activity in these groups, was the “Avatoon” activity. All students individually designed their own avatars and the groups created group photos by combining their avatars together.
After the lunch break, all the students gathered in international groups again. After watching the video on sustainable agriculture as the afternoon activity, a brainstorming activity was done among the students in all groups and the brainstorming map was prepared and uploaded to the international group files as a part of the final product.
As the last activity of the day, an infographic study was given, to be completed by all partner countries by their own national groups. Files have been uploaded, containing the most grown products in partner countries and to be presented the next day.
The second day of the project week, Tuesday, March 29, started with the presentation of the countries’ infographics in common session, and the next activity continued within the framework of questions previously created by Turkish students, after a video shared in international groups.
The afternoon session started with the presentation of Mr. Oğuz DEMİRKIRAN, from the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy department of the “Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute”. In his presentation, Mr. Demirkıran shared soil and water management under the subject of sustainability with all the participants.
Then afternoon session started with a quiz called “From leaf to plant” prepared by our students. The competition was held in each group by the help of Turkish students. Then, the main project of the day, “Common European Food” or “European Common Products” started. The project continued by finding out the common products grown in the partner countries on the charts given to the groups, and by giving a brief information about the product. When the projects were completed, each group shared their presentation to the other groups in the common session.
On Wednesday, March 30, the meeting started with a video about the products grown in Turkey and its regions. Then “Map activity” started in the international groups. The task is creating a map by separating the products according to its regions on the map. Each group was given a country and the students tried to find the products and the regions. Students who completed the map activity presented their maps to other groups i
n the common session.
In the afternoon, a presentation about new words of the sustainable agriculture was shared in all groups, students in all groups learned and acquired new words by the help of the presentation.
On Thursday, March 31, the meetings started with watching the video titled “Tea in Turkey” in the common session, and after the video, all students and groups went to their international groups to play the plant-finding game prepared by our students. The content and the aim of the game was that students would try to find the pictures of the most grown products in Turkey in the form of puzzle by using the information they have learned for 4 days by following the following the clues.
In the afternoon session, the students carried out the last project work called “From the field to the table”. (Names given to international groups: Group olive, group tea, group hazelnut, group fig, group grape and group citrus) Each group prepared a presentation by examining the journey of the plant (their group name) and come up with a slogan containing the name of the group. Students completed the task effectively and then presented it to other groups in the common session.
The closure of the project continued with the “Mentimeter” activity, which was held for students to share their feelings, thoughts or information they had learned during the project. Afterwards, a “Family photo” consisting of avatars of students and teachers was taken and the meeting ended by a closing speech.
During the project, the tasks were photographed and published on the Instagram and web address of MEV Koleji Schools, along with informative articles.
During the online sessions, our students had the opportunity to review and improve their English, on the subject of agriculture and sustainability, and made international friends, as well as reviewing their technical, presentation skills and digital platform usage experiences.
All the students were very happy to participate in the project and that they are willing to participate in the Germany meeting that will take place in May.
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