The Austria-meeting from 9. – 15. February 2020 was the first student meeting of the Erasmus+ “Sustainability” project. Our host was the team of Brigittenauer Gymnasium in Vienna.
Due to storm Ciara/Sabine, with windspeeds of more than 140 km/h, the start of the project was a little bit turbulent. Some participants could not reach Vienna on Sunday. But on Monday noon all participants finally arrived.
Austria was a great host. The preparation materials were excellent, and the students were looking forward to the meeting in this great central European capital city.
The meeting-title was “Preserving History”. The students experienced the importance of modern museums to preserve their own history, by visiting the museum “Haus der Geschichte Österreichs” (House of Austrian History) and the schools own memorial “Als Schulen zu Gefängnissen wurden” (When schools became prisons).
In a workshop “What is (my) History” the students learned about ways to approach history in general and their own past. Afterwards it was their job to prepare presentations about their history related to two specific topics in international groups.
After this week, the pupils learned a lot. They experienced the international workshops and found new friends.
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