Brigittenauer Gymnasium in Vienna, Austria

The Brigittenauer Gymnasium, a public secondary and academic school, is located in the 20th district of Vienna. Our upper secondary form encourages students to specialize in specific fields of knowledge according to their talents and interests. These specific areas include an emphasis on languages, natural sciences, arts and music, music production and event management, as well as professional sports.

The majority of our pupils have migrational background, some students are even refugees, and most of them do not have German as their mother tongue. Therefore, one of the main aims in school policy is giving all students constant support to achieve their A-levels. It is very important to give the students as many opportunities as possible to improve their language skills in English, as well as in German and thus the upcoming Erasmus+-project can play an important role within this context.

Because of the international background of our students, diversity and respecting each other’s cultures is very important in our school policy and we have got a long tradition of being involved in international projects in order to foster peace education, knowledge of human rights and democracy as well as sustainability. This is for example achieved by keeping a memorial museum about the Holocaust era in our school. Therefore, our school was declared a UNESCO-school in May 2009.


Gebude brigittenauer

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