On Monday 26/09/2016 we had our first Erasmus+ meeting, and we talked about different topics.
Our awesome teachers Fr. Prof. Cerar and Fr. Prof. Windhager, who are leading this project in our school, explained what we´re going to do in these meetings, and how this project works.
Our first meeting was kind of a new challenge for us. We learned more about future activities, more about the participating countries in Erasmus+, etc.
We also learned more about each other in the group! We played a small game to make it easier and funnier to get to know each other. It consisted of walking around the room and asking questions to students you did not know. Each of us met more than 10 new people!
Afterwards we wrote an information sheet about each of the participating countries in Erasmus+, and we’re going to share them on the internet for being used as educational material and also to make other people aware of our project.
It’s the dream of every student to have projects like this. Now our dream has come true and we´re so glad to be part of Erasmus+!!!
We’re all really happy to be here, the teachers are both amazing and we’re really proud of being taught by them. We can’t wait to see what comes next.
by Ion, Ashish and Filip