2016 – 2019

Outdoors in Europe

Active learning methods in a multi-cultural Europe.


Table of Contents

Project idea

kajakThe world around us is changing rapidly and we face new and unpredictable situations in our everyday lives. The rapidly-changing world has a huge impact on the lives of young people all over Europe. Our responsibility in schools is to prepare the students for the changes. In our experience the traditional teaching methods do not meet the needs of the students coming from diverse cultural and economical backgrounds. We need more active learning and teaching methods in order to prepare them well for their future private and professional lives. We see the necessity...

Project topics

Following topics are planned during the international meetings in 2016 to 2019:

  • AUSTRIA          cooking (historical recipies) + American football / Flag football
  • PALMA            Researching of cultural sites in the nature and open air traditional healthy cooking
  • TURKEY           Nature photography and Quidditch + traditional Turkish outdoor cooking
  • Kokkola           City / urban orienteering and cooking (using berries native to Finland)
  • Germany         Golf, Tideland Hiking and cooking

The results of the student work you can find directly in the menu of each meeting. For the preparation of the students the schools developed  CLIL lessons about the topic of the meetings mentioned below. If you are interested...


During the three years there will be five student meetings to learn outdoor acitivities in a multicutural group and three teacher meetings for teacher training and project management .

Project Schools

Four schools took part at the Lifelong Learning Program Project CLIL-sports 2013-2015 : the Berufsbildungszentrum am Nord-Ostsee-Kanal (vocational College at the Kiel Canal) from Germany, the private school MEV Ozel Ankara Ilkogretim Okulu from Ankara, the IES sOn Rullan  from Palma de Mallorca and the Länsipuiston koulu in Kokkola from Finland. The school from Vienna is an experienced partner, but in this project a new partner.



Results can be found under DOWNLOADS.

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